Friday, September 19, 2014


So Friday night I posted the pic at the right  with the following caption.

"This particular cocktail is called an AMF. Which stands for Adios My Friend, or another MF variation. Right now I'm claiming it stands for After My Friday. Yay much needed weekend..."

Several of you inquired about the ingredients so, my friends I give to you the AMF.  I first discovered the AMF whilst performing a Murder Mystery at some hotel in Portland. I was waiting outside for my fantastically over the top death scene when a waiter walked by with a tall pint glass of something blue. My first thought was "Romulan Ale???" Ner the less, I had to know. I mean …it was blue.  This was in the early stages of my mixology ventures so I was not familiar with the kitschy wonder of Blue Curacao. Soon as the show was over I cornered the waiter and inquired about the blue drink. He relayed to me that it was basically like a long island iced tea with sprite or a suicide of booze, blue curacao, and sprite. It was called an AMF. Adios M***** F*****, or some call it Adios My Friend. Like I said it was kitschy..and blue.

I then went home did a bit of research jotted down a few recipe ideas and then pretty much forgot them. Honestly, the AMF became more of a joke around my bar. It was the crazy drink that I'd never actually make. First of all the name, and the ridiculous amount of booze going on. Well a few weeks back I was feeling crazy making up some cocktails for neighbors when someone asked if I could make them an AMF? So, I found my recipe notebook and set to work. The recipe I used for that first AMF was the most common you'll find. It is simply this, 1/2 oz of each of the following Light Rum, Silver Tequila, Gin, Vodka, and Blue Curacao. Pour each into a Pint Glass of ice. Then add 2 oz of Sour Mix, and top off with Sprite. Stir & Serve with a lemon wedge. It was definitely boozy but not very blue. it was satisfactory for a first go, but I knew I could do better. N
ot to mention I found the taste left much to be desired. I'm just not a "let's choke this down in hopes of getting blitz-faced kinda guy," which led to the following adjustments

Use a Shaker Glass with ice.
That's right we're gonna do some shaking. I'll explain more in a bit.

Drop the Tequila.
Here's what I've found. Tequila can get some folks really squeemish, too many "bad memories", and the flavor can be overbearing and not very complementary to the cocktail.

Increase the portions of the three remaining pure spirits.
Use 3/4 oz of each of the following spirits Light Rum, Vodka and a decent Gin. There is no need to use real expensive spirits here. Don't use up a good, what I call "Martini" Gin ie: Bombay Sapphire or Tanqueray on a mixed drink like this. Now, while we have dropped 1 spirit, we have also increased the amount of the other three. So instead of 2 oz of pure spirits we now have 2 1/4 oz. Plus, by increasing the measures you can now actually taste the rum, the vodka, and the gin. They create a much more interesting and satisfying flavor pallet.

Increase the amount of Blue Curacao.
There are 3 primary draws to this drink. The blending of the multiple spirits, the quantity of said spirits and the blue color. So increase the Blue Curacao to 1 oz. The drink will be much more aesthetically pleasing, and you will have even increased the liquor content a bit.

Cut back on the Sour Mix. Use 1 1/2 oz Sour Mix. The Sour Mix is fulfilling our citrus ingredients so we want a decent amount but 2 whole oz of Sour Mix strikes me as an attempt to cover up bad flavor. It's overkill and wasteful.

Shake it up
You now have your pure spirits, your liqueur in the Blue Curacao as well as the Sour Mix for your citrus element. The general bar tending rule is stir pure spirits, shake citrus & juices. By shaking this cocktail you'll chill it more effectively, you'll truly mix the spirits together allowing their individual characteristics to really come out and you'll get some foam and fizz from citrus element of the Sour Mix.

Pour the shaken cocktail over ice in a pint glass then top it with Lemon-Lime soda.

Garnish with a small orange wheel
I like the look of the orange with the blue and it is highly unlikely that someone is going to squeeze a wedge of lemon into this drink like a Long-Island Iced Tea.

So in simplest of terms here is my recipe for the AMF. 


3/4 Oz Light Rum
AMF...  good times to ensue!

3/4 Oz Vodka
3/4 Oz Gin
1 Oz Blue Curacao
1 1/2 Oz Sour Mix
Orange wheel for garnish

In a shaker glass 3/4 full of ice add 3/4 Oz of the following. Light Rum, Vodka and Gin. Now add 1 oz Blue Curacao and 1 1/2 Oz Sour Mix. Shake and strain into a Pint Glass with ice. Top with Lemon-Lime Soda. Serve with an Orange Wheel garnish.  Enjoy!